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COMCAST Customer Service Contact Number

For Leo-Cedarville citizens that have questions or concerns regarding work being done by Comcast, or their contractor QC Communications, the local Customer Service number is 260-410-3567. Before calling, it is important for citizens to be sure they know which company is responsible for any work they may have a question or concern. Currently, there are multiple utility companies doing work within the Town of Leo-Cedarville and QC Communications contracts with multiple companies. Citizens should ask workers what company they represent regarding any work being done on their property. Please note, the Town of Leo-Cedarville is not supervising any of these projects and has no oversight over the companies legally working within an easement or Right of Way area.

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FREE--yoga class on Wednesday the 17th--10am. Drop off the kids for crafts at 10am in the south pavilion and head over to GRAND pavilion for the FREE yoga class.l $3.00 for crafts--drinks and snacks i

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